Research projects
Current Projects:
- Florence as a Sixteenth-century Centre of Antiquarian Studies.
- Legal Archaeology, Antonio Agustin – Lawyer, Antiquarian and Archbishop of Tarragona.
- Florentine Churches.
- Dynastic Brides: Matrimony and Cultural Dialogue at European Courts from Antiquity to the Enlightenment.
Research Leadership:
May 2004, foundation of the working group: Collecting & Display (100BC to AD1700) with Adriana Turpin (director of studies, Institut d’Études Supérieures des Arts [IESA], Paris/London) and Susan Bracken (University of Sussex); the group runs a seminar at the Institute of Historical Research (IHR), University of London and in Florence in collaboration with serval organisations and it also organises yearly conferences.
Future Conferences:
- March 2014, “Collecting Prints and Drawings”, in collaboration with Schwabenakademie Kloster Irsee.
- October 2014, “Collecting & Iconoclasm”, in collaboration with Central European University, Budapest.
- 2015, “Collecting and the Kunstkammer”, in collaboration with Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden (to be confirmed).
Completed Projects and Conferences, Collecting & Display:
- 14 July 2006, workshop “Collecting & Dynastic Ambition”, IHR, University of London, sponsored by a grant from the Henry Moore Foundation.
- 13 to 17 July 2007, conference “Collecting & the Princely Apartment”, Benedictine Abbey, Ottobeuren, Germany sponsored by a grant from the Henry Moore Foundation.
- 8 July 2008, conference “Women Collectors”, IHR, University of London, sponsored by a grant from the Henry Moore Foundation.
- 25-29 June 2009, conference “Collecting East & West”, FUA and the British Institute of Florence, Florence, Italy.
- May 2013, conference “Collecting Nature”, Schwabenakademie Kloster Irsee with the support of a Society for Renaissance Studies small conference grant.
Conferences in Collaboration with Fondazione Palazzo Strozzi and Uffizi Gallery, Florence:
In preparation:
Spring 2014, conference “Rosso and Pontormmo”, The British Institute of Florence and Fondazione Palazzo Strozzi, Florence in connection with the exhibition held at Palazzo Strozzi.
December 2010, conference “Bronzino”, The British Institute of Florence and Fondazione palazzo Strozzi, Florence in connection with the exhibition held at Palazzo Strozzi from Sep 2010 to Jan 2011 and with the support of a Society for Renaissance Studies small conference grant.