
Monographs and Conference Proceedings

Brian Tovey with Andrea Gáldy and Hilary Hunt (eds.),The Pouncey Index of Baldinucci’s Notizie, 300 pp., Centro Di, Florence 2005, subvention grants from the Getty and the Kress Foundations.

Andrea Gáldy, Cosimo I de’ Medici as Collector: Antiquities and Archaeology in Sixteenth-century Florence; Cambridge Scholars Press, Newcastle 2009.

Susan Bracken, Andrea Gáldy and Adriana Turpin (eds.), Collecting & Dynastic Ambition; Cambridge Scholars Press, Newcastle 2009.

Susan Bracken, Andrea Gáldy and Adriana Turpin (eds.), Collecting & the Princely Apartment, Cambridge Scholars Press, Newcastle 2011.

Susan Bracken, Andrea Gáldy and Adriana Turpin (eds.), Women Patrons & Collectors, Cambridge Scholars Press, Newcastle 2012.

Andrea Gáldy (ed.), Agnolo Bronzino – Medici Court Artist in Context, a collection of papers of the 2010 conference held at the British Institute of Florence; Cambridge Scholars Press 2013.

Susan Bracken, Andrea Gáldy and Adriana Turpin (eds.), Collecting East & West, a collection of papers of the 2009 conference Collecting East & West; Cambridge Scholars Press for publication in early 2013. Final proofs.


  • Florentine Churches; accepted by Cambridge Scholars Press for publication in late 2013.
  • Collecting and Display at two European Courts: the Presentation of Sculpture in Sixteenth-century Florence and Dresden.


  • “‘Che sopra queste ossa con nuovo ordine si vadiano accommodando in più luoghi appartamenti’ - Thoughts on the Organisation of the Florentine Ducal Apartments in the Palazzo Vecchio 1553”, Mitteilungen des Kunsthistorischen Instituts in Florenz, 46 (2002), 2/3, 490-509.
  • “No One Expects the Inquisition: Protestant Students in Sixteenth-century Siena”, in The Renaissance Journal vol. 2, n. 3 (January 2005), 4-16.
  • “The Scrittoio della Calliope, a Tuscan Museum”, refereed, Renaissance Studies 19, 5 (2005), 699-709.
  • “The Chimera from Arezzo and Renaissance Etruscology”, in Carol C. Mattusch, A.A. Donohue, Amy Brauer (eds.), Common Ground: Archaeology, Art, Science, and Humanities (Proceedings of the XVIth International Congress of Classical Archaeology, Boston, August 23-26, 2003), Oxbow Books, Oxford 2006, 111-3.
  • “Tuscan Concerns and Spanish Heritage in the Decoration of Duchess Eleonora’s Apartment in the Palazzo Vecchio”; Renaissance Studies 20, 3 (2006), 293-319.
  • “The Collector as Master: Duke Cosimo de’Medici’s museo in the Palazzo Vecchio”; Sammeln als Institution, ed. B. Marx and K.-S. Rehberg, Deutscher Kunstverlag: Munich 2006, 13-21.
  • “Spectacular Antiquities: power and display of anticaglie at the court of Cosimo I de’ Medici”, refereed, Renaissance and Reformation 29.1 (2005), 45-57.
  • “L’appartamento di Eleonora di Toledo in Palazzo Vecchio: la scena della nuova Isabella la Cattolica”, Le donne Medici nel sistema europeo delle corti, XVI-XVIII secolo (Atti del convegno internazionale Firenze - San Domenico di Fiesole, 6-8 ottobre 2005), ed. Giulia Calvi and Riccardo Spinelli. Polistampa: Florence 2008, II, 615-26.
  • “Lost in Antiquities: Cardinal Giovanni de’ Medici” in Possessions- renaissance cardinals - rights and rituals, ed. Mary Hollingsworth and Carol Richardson. Penn State University Press, 2010, refereed, 153-165; my article has received a publication grant from the Scouloudi Foundation.
  • “Moving House-Moving Courts: How Palazzo Pitti became the Main Medici Residence in Florence”, Medicea 4, 2009, 38-59.
  • “Medici Collections of Dynastic Ambition: Arms, Armour, and Antiquities” in Collecting & Dynastic Ambition, ed. Bracken, Gáldy, Turpin. CSP: Newcastle 2009, 37-57.
  • “Jealous Antiquarians: Competition among the Archaeologists at the Court of Cosimo de’ Medici”, Medicea 7, 2010, 20-7.
  • “A Show of Independence: Collecting and Display of Etruscan Art at the Court of Cosimo I de’ Medici (1537-1574)”, in Myth, Allegory, Emblem – the Many Lives of the Chimaera of Arezzo (proceedings of the conference at the Getty Villa, Malibu, December 3-5, 2009), ed. G. Carlotta Cianferoni, Mario Iozzo, Elisabetta Settari. Aracne: Rome, 2012, 153-65.
  • “Roscoe and Thomas Coke, Earl of Leicester” for inclusion in a forthcoming volume on Roscoe and Italy-The Reception of Italian Renaissance History and Culture in Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-century Britain, edited by Stella Fletcher. Ashgate, Aldershot 2012, 195-214.
  • “Golden Rooms for Eleonora of Toledo: Duchess and Collector in Palazzo Vecchio” (with Robert La France) in Women Collectors, ed. Bracken, Gáldy, Turpin. CSP: Newcastle 2012, 1-33.
  • “Vasari e l’allestimento delle collezioni Medicee di antichità” in Giorgio Vasari e la nascita del museo, ed. Maia W. Gahtan. Edifir: Firenze, 2012, 101-8 (this essay is also being published in English by Ashgate, 2013).
  • “The stranded tomb: cultural allusions in the funeral monument of Don Pedro de Toledo, San Giacomo degli Spagnoli, Naples” (with Robert Gaston) for inclusion in Renaissance Italy and the Idea of Spain 1492-1700, ed. Piers Baker-Bates and Miles Pattenden. submitted 1 October 2012 (Ashgate, 2013).
  • “Jagen und Sammeln”. aviso (Zeitschrift für Wissenschaft und Kunst in Bayern) published by the Bayerische Staatsministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst, Spring 2013.
  • “Identity and Likeness: Bronzino’s Medici Portraits”, included in Agnolo Bronzino – Medici Court Artist in Context, ed. Andrea Gáldy. CSP: Newcastle, 2013, 29-48.
  • “Natural Collections – Natural Science: a Short History of the World”, in Nikola Irmer, Promethean Boldness. The Green Box: Berlin, forthcoming, submitted.
  • “Archaeology of the Law: Antonio Agustín’s Antiquarian Interests”; article based on my paper for “Antiquarians and the Professions” at the RSA 2006, to be submitted.

Dictionary Entries

  • 2013 Supplement Band 9, Der Neue Pauly, edited by Prof. Landfester, University of Giessen, Lemmata: “Florence”, “Venice”, “Antiquities Collections”, “Brunelleschi”, “Bramante”, “Palladio”.

Book Reviews / Conference Reviews

  • Lauro Martines, April Blood, Jonathan Cape, London 2003, in The Renaissance Journal vol. 2, n. 2 (July 2004), 47-50.
  • Lauro Martines, Loredana - A Venetian Tale, Jonathan Cape, London 2004; and Ian Campbell & Dustin Thomason, The Rule of Four, Century, London 2004, in The Renaissance Journal (July 2005), 73-81.
  • Álvaro Fernández de Córdova Miralles, Alejandro VI y los Reyes Católicos - Relaciones politico-eclesiásticas, Rome 2005; Renaissance Studies 20, 4 (2006), 594-6.
  • K. Eisenbichler (ed.), The Cultural World of Eleonora di Toledo, Ashgate, Aldershot 2004; published in the SRS Bulletin XXIV, 1 (Oct 2006), 17-20.
  • F.W. Kent, Lorenzo de’ Medici & the Art of Magnificence, The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore 2004; published in the SRS Bulletin XXIV, 1 (Oct 2006), 24-7.
  • V. Heenes, Antike in Bildern: Illustrationen in antiquarischen Werken des 16. und 17. Jahrhunderts, Stendaler Winkelmann-Forschungen I, Stendal 2003; Renaissance Studies (2007).
  • Arnolfo di Cambio. Una rinascita nell’Umbria medievale; Perugia, Galleria Nazionale dell’Umbria - Orvieto, Chiesa di Sant’Agostino (7 July 2005 to 8 January 2006); Vittoria Garibaldi and Bruno Toscano (eds.), Arnolfo di Cambio. Una rinascita nell’Umbria medievale, Cinisello Balsamo, Milan, 2005, and ARNOLFO. Alle origini del Rinascimento fiorentino, Florence, Museum of Santa Maria del Fiore (21 December 2005 - 21 April 2006); Renaissance Studies (2007).
  • Laurie Fusco and Gino Corti, Lorenzo il Magnifico, Collector and Antiquarian, Cambridge University Press, New York, 2006, SRS Bulletin (October 2007).
  • Henk Th. van Veen, Cosimo I de’ Medici and his Selfrepresentation in Florentine Art and Culture, Cambridge University Press, New York, 2006, The Burlington Magazine  No. 1265, Vol. CL (2008), 552.
  • James Lindow, The Renaissance Palace in Florence, Magnificence and Splendour in Fifteenth-Century Italy, Ashgate, Aldershot 2007, The Burlington Magazine No. 1280, Vol. CLI (Nov 2009), 773.
  • La Nascita dell’arazzeria medicea dalle botteghe dei maestri fiamminghi alla manifattura ducale dei “Creati fiorentini”; Florence, Galleria del Costume in Palazzo Pitti (7 April 2008 to 28 September 2008) and Women in Power: Caterina and Maria de’ Medici, the Return to Florence of two Queens of France; Florence, Palazzo Strozzi (24 October 2008 to 8 February 2009), Renaissance Studies (2009).
  • Christopher S. Wood, Forgery, Replica, Fiction: Temporalities of German Renaissance Art, Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press, 2008, Renaissance Studies (2009).
  • Majorie Trusted, The Arts of Spain, Iberia, and Latin America 1450-1700, V&A Publications and The Hispanic Society of America, London 2007, SRS Bulletin (2009).
  • Galileo: Immagini dell’universo dall’antichità al telescopio-Galileo: Images of the Universe from Antiquity to the Telescope; Florence, Palazzo Strozzi (13 March 2009 to 30 August 2009); Paolo Galluzzi (ed.), Galileo: Images of the Universe from Antiquity to the Telescope (Florence, 2009), to be published in Renaissance Studies.
  • Il Fasto e la Ragione – Arte del Settecento a Firenze, Florence, Uffizi Gallery, 30 May to 30 September 2009, Apollo Magazine (Sep 2009), 96-8.
  • Art and Illusions – Masterpieces of Trompe l’oeil from Antiquity to the Present Day, Palazzo Strozzi, Florence, 16 October 2009 to 24 January 2010, Apollo Magazine (Dec 2009).
  • Marco Spallanzani, Metalli islamici a Firenze nel rinascimento, SPES: Florence 2010, pp. 204, ISBN 978-88-72423363; Renaissance Quarterly, Spring 2010.
  • Georg Laue (ed.): Exotica (Catalogue Kunstkammer Georg Laue, volume IX), Munich: Georg Laue 2012, pp. 300, ISBN 978-3-00-037270-4; und 2012.
  • Frances Ames-Lewis: Isabella & Leonardo, New Haven & London: Yale University Press 2012, pp. 290. ISBN 978-0-300-12124-7; und 2013.
  • Cinzia Maria Sicca and Louis Waldman, (eds.). The Anglo-Italian Renaissance: Art for the Early Tudors, New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2012, pp. 414, ISBN 978-0-300-17608-7; 2013.
  • Paola Tinagli & Mary Rogers (eds.), Women and the Visual Arts in Italy, c.1400-1650. Luxury and Leisure, Duty and Devotion. A Sourcebook. Manchester University Press: Manchester and New York, 2012; 2013.
  • Guido Rebecchini, “Un altro Lorenzo” Ippolito de’ Medici tra Firenze e Roma (1511-1535), Venice: Saggi Marsilio, 2010; 2013.

Book Reviews / Conference Reviews

  • 2013
    “What’s in a Portrait? The Many Faces of Cosimo I de Medici in the Context of His Renaissance Court “, RSA Annual Meeting, San Diego 2013, session: Celebrating Janet Cox-Rearick IV: Identity and Meaning in Portraits by Pontormo and Bronzino, organised by Louis Waldman.
    Madonna and Juno: Rule, Religiosity and Religious Patronage of Eleonora of Toledo,e-XVIIe siècles, conference at university Paris XIII, 10-11 October 2013, organised by Cecile Vincent-Cassy and Murielle Gaude-Ferragu.
  • 2012

    With Robert G. La France “A Spanish Residence within the Florentine Palazzo dei Priori? The Birth of a Cosmopolitan Medici Court”; RSA Annual Meeting, Washington 2012, session: PALATIUM. Court Residences as Places of Exchange in Early Modern Europe organised by Krista de Jonge and Pieter Martens.
    With Robert Gaston “Don Pedro Alvarez di Toledo-Viceroy, Soldier, Collector”, conference Renaissance Italy and the Idea of Spain 1492-1700, organised by Piers Baker-Bates, St. Edmund Hall, Oxford University, 12-14 January 2012.


  • 2011
    Vasari, Exhibitor of Art: the Medici CollectionsGiorgio Vasari and the Birth of the Museumth Anniversary of Birthday, 30 July 2011) ex-chiesa S. Jacopo in Campo Corbolini,organised by Maia Wellington Gahtan. The proceedings are being published in Italian and English in 2012/13.
    Cosimo I de’ Medici, Prince and Patron, conference: OSK Section Meeting, Italian Art Studies 2011: The influence of the patron (ca. 1400-1800; invited to speak by Prof Henk van Veen on 8 July 2011 at the Museum Catharijneconvent, Utrecht.


  • 2010
    Medici Sitters in Search for a Bronzino Portrait, conference Agnolo Bronzino – Medici Court Artist in Context, organised by Andrea Gáldy and held at the British Institute of Florence.
    Jealous Antiquarians: Competition among the Archaeologists at the Court of Cosimo I de’Medici, The Renaissance Society of America, Venice 8-10 April 2010, Panel Co-Organisers: Molly Bourne and Bruce Edelstein.
    Cosimo I ed il ruolo delle antichità nella costruzione politica della Firenze ducale, invited by Museo Archeologico di Firenze, study day on La Chimera: simbolo del Museo Archeologico di Firenze, 25 February 2010, Florence.
    Revealing Medieval and Renaissance Europe: Makers and Markets at the V&A, February 2010; paper: “On a shoestring: collecting antiquities in 1540s Florence”.


  • 2009
    A Show of Independence: Collecting and Display of Etruscan Art at the Court of Cosimo I de’ Medici (1537-1574), THE CHIMAERA OF AREZZO, Exhibition and conference at Getty Villa, Malibu, December 3-5, 2009.
    Medici Antiquities: Collecting and Power in Sixteenth-Century Florence, lecture at the Dutch Institute in Florence, 5 May 2009.


  • 2008
    Medici Matronage, conference organised by Christina Strunck in collaboration with I Tatti and the Kunsthistorisches Institut, October 2008, Florence: “The Apartment of Eleonora in Palazzo Vecchio”.
    The Renaissance Society of America, Chicago, 3-5 April 2008, On the irrelevance of paintings, organised by Lisa Kirch, paper: “From ‘galleria’ to mass tourist magnet: how the Uffizi shed all the most intriguing Medici possessions to become a paintings gallery”.


  • 2007
    Collecting & the Princely Apartment, Ottobeuren, July 2007, conference organiser and paper: “Collecting & Display in the Apartments of the Medici Ducal Palace in the Sixteenth Century”.
    Invitation from the Royal Numismatic Society to speak on “Coins and Legal History: Antonio Agustin's Antiquarian Studies” (17 April 2007).


  • 2006
    The Lila Wallace Lecture, Collecting & Display (100BC to AD1700), held at the IHR, 9 Oct 2006, paper: “Florence as a Sixteenth-century Centre of Antiquarian Studies”.
    The Society of Renaissance Studies, Second National Conference, Edinburgh, 6-8 July 2006, paper: “Sign of Prestige or Path to Virtus: Cosimo I de’ Medici’s Collection of Antiquities”.
    The Renaissance Society of America, San Francisco, March 2005, Antiquarians and the Professions, session organiser (with Robert Gaston), chair and paper: “Archaeology of the Law: Antonio Agustín’s Antiquarian Interests”; chair for Konrad Eisenbichler’s session on ”Play and Display”.


  • 2005
    University Art Association of Canada, Annual Conference, U. Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia, November 10-12 2005, Portraiture and Publics in Early Modern Europe, 1500-1700, paper: “Cosimo I de’Medici and the Use of Portraiture in the Florentine Palazzo Ducale”.
    Archivio di Stato di Firenze, Florence 6-8 October 2005: Donne Medici; paper: “Tuscan Concerns and Spanish Heritage in the Decoration of Duchess Eleonora’s Apartment in the Palazzo Vecchio”.
    Anglo-American Conference, London 6-8 July 2005: States and Empires; paper: “A Mini-State in the Shadow of a Giant Empire: Cosimo I de Medici’s Tuscany”.
    The Renaissance Society of America, Cambridge, April 2005, Spectacles of Power, paper: “Spectacular Antiquities: Power and Display of anticaglie at the Court of Cosimo I de’ Medici”.
    MUSIFICATIONS: House to Museum in Italy, 1500 to the Present Day, Manchester 22-23 April 2005; paper: “Palazzo Vecchio: Collecting and Display in a Ducal Residence and Seat of Government”.
    AAH Annual Conference, Bristol 31 March to 2 April 2005, Renaissance Material Culture - Conceptions and Receptions, paper: “Antiquities and the Perception of their Subject Matter in the Renaissance”.
    106th Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America, Boston, Massachusetts on January 6-9, 2005: “Vincenzo Borghini and the Development of Archaeological Method in Sixteenth-century Florence”; attendance sponsored by a British Academy Overseas Conference Grant.


  • 2004
    Possessions- renaissance cardinals - rights and rituals, London 2-3 Dec 2004; “Lost in Antiquities: Cardinal Giovanni de’ Medici”.
    Co-convenor of the session “Houses - Old and New”, at the AAH conference in Nottingham, April 2004.
    The Renaissance Society of America, New York, April 2004, Examining Exhibits: The Display of Art and Artefacts in Early Modern Europe, paper: “The Collecting and Display of Sculpture at the Sixteenth-Century Courts of Florence and Dresden”; attendance sponsored by a British Academy Overseas Conference Grant.
    Social History Society Annual Conference, 8-10 January 2004, University of Rouen, France, paper: “Count Rocco de’ Linar: an Italian Protestant’s Career in Sixteenth-century France and Germany”; attendance sponsored by a grant from the Royal Historical Society.
    BSECS conference, St Hugh’s, Oxford, 3-5 January 2004, paper: “On a Shopping Spree: British Grand Tourists and the Art Market in Eighteenth-century Tuscany”.

  • 2003
    The Society for Renaissance Studies, First National Conference, Bristol, 12-14 September 2003, paper: “The Chimera from Arezzo and Renaissance Etruscology”, (part II).
    XVI International Congress of Classical Archaeology AIAC, Harvard University Art Museums, August 23-26 2003, paper: “The Chimera from Arezzo and Renaissance Etruscology”, (part I); attendance sponsored by a British Academy Overseas Conference Grant.
    38th International Mediaeval Conference, Kalamazoo, May 2002, sessions sponsored by the Detroit Art Institute, paper: “Florence and Dresden: The Idea of the Kunstkammer in two Early Modern Courts”,session I.
    AAH Annual Conference, London 10-14 April 2003, Articulating Meanings in Renaissance Interiors, paper: “New Flesh on Old Bones: Cosimo I de’ Medici, Vasari and the Making of a Palazzo Ducale in Sixteenth-Century Florence”.
    Late-mediaeval/Early-modern Italian Seminar at the IHR, 20 February 2003, paper: “‘Donne regie che ànno con lor fatti paragonato le virtù degli omini, anzi vintogli’: the Decoration of Duchess Eleonora’s Apartment in the Palazzo
  • 2002
    37th International Mediaeval Conference, Kalamazoo, May 2002, session sponsored by the Italian Art Society, paper: “The Scrittoio della Calliope in the Palazzo Vecchio: a Tuscan Museum”, attendance sponsored by a Kress Foundation Conference Grant.